We interupt this program. . . . .

We interupt this program. . . . .

Well, I know I said I would do the Ray Cooper but. . . . . . . .
this has now come on line, :)

It looked good in the Magazine but looks even better. . . . . .
on the screen! 

For a great read on the Lars Mullen feature and larger images,
go here: The Collection by Lars Mullen

 Cheers. :)

- More Reeve And - Nick Smith. . . . .
I have finally managed to get back onto the Reeve! Just so busy, these days!! :) Before that. . . .  how about this! This is Nick Smith's Collection! I've know about Nick for around 6 or 7 years, corresponded with him...

- Bass Restoration - Kent Armstrong. . . . .
After a bit of research and a few pointers from readers, I decided to approach  Kent Armstrong, to confirm that  the pick-ups in the Reeve, were his.  This was his reply and the subsequent conversation:  Yes they are mine...

- Flat Eric 2015!
Hi to all out there! :) Well, 2014 was a bit hectic - not a great deal of time to keep  up with the blog but hopefully, this year will be different! No time for sitting around!! Early last year, I was planning the feature with Lars Mullen...

- Jaydee Twin Neck Goes Home. . . . .
When I did the feature with Lars Mullen, the final lines in the magazine article described how I was going to finally let the  Jaydee Geminii Twin Neck go home to it's original owner. Well, I'm pleased to say that my friend, "Fez", has been...

- Flat Eric And Lars Mullen. . . . . . . .
Sometime last year, I was contacted by Lars Mullen, who amongst quite a few other things in the music world, is a journalist and a  really great photographer, with a passion for his subject. He does the monthly feature in Guitar & Bass magazine....

