Jaydee Twin Neck Goes Home. . . . .

Jaydee Twin Neck Goes Home. . . . .

When I did the feature with Lars Mullen, the final lines in the
magazine article described how I was going to finally let the 
Jaydee Geminii Twin Neck go home to it's original owner.

Well, I'm pleased to say that my friend, "Fez", has been at
last, reunited with his creation of a beast of a bass, made
by John Diggins, in the late 70's.

We are planning an "Official Handover", at some point - hopefully
with some good shots of the event. 

There are several posts in the blog, where you can find the story.
In the "search" box, type in "Jaydee Twin Neck Cryer" and there
is plenty to read.

I think it is fair to say that Fez is over the moon!!

Back soon. . . . . . .

Cheers. :)

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