Flat Eric 2015!

Flat Eric 2015!

Hi to all out there! :)

Well, 2014 was a bit hectic - not a great deal of time to keep 
up with the blog but hopefully, this year will be different!
No time for sitting around!!

Early last year, I was planning the feature with Lars Mullen
and when the time finally arrived in April, it was all systems go! 
We had a lot of fun and he took some great shots.
I just love the one he did with two of my Peavey T-40's.
Nice!! :)

The year seemed to fly by after that and some of the instruments
I had hoped to do - just didn't get done!

I am helping out an American journalist and writer, at the moment,
who is writing a book.
Best not to say too much at the moment but when the time is right. . .
Will keep you posted!

I had many emails last year - always great to hear from other owners
or people who are interested in a particular instrument.
If you would like to drop me a line, my contact details are below.
Contact Flat Eric 

So, it's a case of getting some shots done and making a start.
Still plenty more to go, so let's get the ball rolling.

Will be back soon.

Cheers. :) 

If you have landed on this page and you want to go to the 
latest post, go here:
Latest post. 

- Flat Eric's Blog - 200 Posts - A Milestone!!!
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- Jaydee Twin Neck Goes Home. . . . .
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- Flat Eric - Flat Beat. . . . . .
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- Peavey T-40 And T-60 Users And Literature. .
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- Electra Outlaw Mpc X620. . . . . . .
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