Flat Eric - Flat Beat. . . . . .

Flat Eric - Flat Beat. . . . . .

Hi to all out there.

I was going to take some outdoor shots, over the weekend
but sometimes the light is just too bright, so I gave up and 
went to the park!

So, here's some pics of me, in the sun. :)

I just sat on the grass, for a while and watched the world go
by but then decided to chill out on a chair.

A cold beer came in handy and after I had finished that, I was
just Flat Beat!! LOL!

Back next time with more of the stuff you want to see.

To all my readers - have a great summer and stay tuned, for
loads more basss and guitar. . . . . and it will soon be time to
reveal, the big Flat Eric event! :)

Cheers. :)

If you have landed on this page and you want to go to the 
latest post, go here:Latest post.

- Flat Eric - Still Very Much Here And Still A Long Way To Go. . . . .
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