Flat Eric - Still very much here and still a long way to go. . . . .

Flat Eric - Still very much here and still a long way to go. . . . .

Hi to all my regular readers and all who drop in. :)

I have had several regulars contact me, saying "is that it -
have you come to the end - we thought there was more"!

There is more - a lot of it but I have been very busy, over
the last five or six weeks.

There is a big Flat Eric event, next week - which is top
secret, at the moment, so sit tight and and I'll come back
with another bass or guitar and as usual. . . . . it will be
something unusual!!!!

Thanks to all of you who got in touch, much appreciated. :)

Back soon.

Cheers. :)

- Flat Eric 2015!
Hi to all out there! :) Well, 2014 was a bit hectic - not a great deal of time to keep  up with the blog but hopefully, this year will be different! No time for sitting around!! Early last year, I was planning the feature with Lars Mullen...

- Flat Eric - Flat Beat. . . . . .
Hi to all out there. I was going to take some outdoor shots, over the weekend but sometimes the light is just too bright, so I gave up and  went to the park! So, here's some pics of me, in the sun. :) I just sat on the grass, for a while and...

- Eric, What Happened To April??
Hi to all my regular readers - including a good friend with a very nice Jazz Bass and a liking for proper beer - you know who you are!!! LOL! So, for those of you who have found a lack of content and been in touch over the last 4 or five weeks - all I...

- Eric Goes To The Goodwood Revival. . . . .
Yes, I know - Not a Telecaster in sight!!  Sorry! Post 151 and it's come back to haunt me. Classic Cars! Go here, scroll down and you will see my very first post, from almost 3 years ago: Flat Eric's First Post I still go to...

- Vicar's T-40. A Peavey In Punk!!. . . . . . . .
Another T-40?? Yep! This all started off with this: Hi all. I have a renewed interest in the T-40 thanks to posts and pics by Flat Eric. My name is Kirk Matthews and I was the founder member and bass player in the 1970's Punk Rock band...

