Eric, What Happened To April??

Eric, What Happened To April??

Hi to all my regular readers - including a good friend with a very nice
Jazz Bass and a liking for proper beer - you know who you are!!! LOL!

So, for those of you who have found a lack of content and been in touch
over the last 4 or five weeks - all I have to show you is this!! :)


Yes, I know - hardly bass or guitar related but I have been so busy, over the
last few weeks, the time has flown by and this is by way of letting you know
that there is plenty more to come and I am still very much here!
A friend brought this back from the USA, during a recent trip - Thanks James!

Must try harder. . . . . I will be back, with lots more interesting stuff, as soon
as I can - hopefully my rare ish, Headless Yamaha Bass.

So, I'll be back to you. . . . . .  as soon as I can.

Cheers. :)

- Trying To Catch Up. . . . . .
Hi to all my visitors! :) I have been so busy, over the last five or six weeks!!!! So, focus on the blog has drifted a little, as I need to get some good shots of the next part of the collection and up to now, have not been able to find the time to do...

- Yamaha Bx-1 Headless Bass. . . . .
Right, back to the job in hand! Sorry there has been a lack of content, in recent weeks - a lot to do, at the moment. So, inside this case. . . . . . . . . . .is quite an unusual bass!! The Yamaha BX-1 Headless bass, I think the...

- Electra Outlaw Mpc X620. . . . . . .
Looking more like a Starship than a Bass!!! This is one I have had some time and mentioned before but never got around to taking any shots of it That was until today, when the sun finally came out, after what seems  like four weeks of solid...

- Fender Jazz Bass, 1972. . . .
The fact that I haven't made a list of all the ones I have done yet and considering that I still have most of what I have listed and have still got quite a way to go, I am now starting to forget which ones I have done!!! I think it's a fairly...

- Technology, Monitors And Youtube. . . . .
Sunday morning, bit of a late one last night, so sitting here with a steaming coffee whilst typing. Technology! Is it just me? :) As I get more familiar with the features of this blog, I think I have just about cracked it but the other day I selected...

