Trying to catch up. . . . . .

Trying to catch up. . . . . .

Hi to all my visitors! :)

I have been so busy, over the last five or six weeks!!!!

So, focus on the blog has drifted a little, as I need to get some good shots
of the next part of the collection and up to now, have not been able to find
the time to do any.

It's Sunday morning, the sun is out but today I have gardening to do, so no
pics today.
I could have done some yesterday but I went to a beer festival, instead.
Mmmm, difficult choice - enhance my photo skills or sit and drink beer 
with friends - one of them being a bass player!

Beer wins!

I will be back on course as soon as I can - there are still a lot more to 
go on with and I am also in the process of selecting 40 odd of them, to
do a feature on, which I will tel you more about, nearer the time.

There, that's got you wondering!!

I'll leave you with a funny shot from t'interent!

No, that's not me. . . . . . .  ours are made of Oak!!! LOL! :)

Cheers. :)

Beer barrels

- Flat Eric - Flat Beat. . . . . .
Hi to all out there. I was going to take some outdoor shots, over the weekend but sometimes the light is just too bright, so I gave up and  went to the park! So, here's some pics of me, in the sun. :) I just sat on the grass, for a while and...

- Eric, What Happened To April??
Hi to all my regular readers - including a good friend with a very nice Jazz Bass and a liking for proper beer - you know who you are!!! LOL! So, for those of you who have found a lack of content and been in touch over the last 4 or five weeks - all I...

- Fender Jazz Bass, 1972. . . .
The fact that I haven't made a list of all the ones I have done yet and considering that I still have most of what I have listed and have still got quite a way to go, I am now starting to forget which ones I have done!!! I think it's a fairly...

- Gibson Ebo. . . . .
Just got back from 'avin' a beer with a friend of many years, who follows my blog. "Why no mention of the EBO???" I have a 1963 Gibson EBO, which I have had for around 33 years!! Next to a beautiful old 12 string I have, this old bass is the one...

- Peavey T-60 Tanburst. . . . . . . . .
Sunday morning - sun is out today! :) I have a new follower today, welcome on board - Torch. If you go back to the posts that started last April, when I really got going and work your way through the year, you will find listed - Peavey T-40 and T-60,...

