Peavey T-60 Tanburst. . . . . . . . .

Peavey T-60 Tanburst. . . . . . . . .

Sunday morning - sun is out today! :)

I have a new follower today, welcome on board - Torch.

If you go back to the posts that started last April, when I really
got going and work your way through the year, you will find listed -
Peavey T-40 and T-60, Ovation, Reeve, Ibanez, Aria, Hondo, Gibson,
a large feature on Peter Cook, Odyssey, Twin Necks, Marchis, Status,
Parkinson, Guild, Columbus, Gordy, Kimbara, Doug Wilkes, Hohner
and if you dig deep. . . . the odd Fender will appear!
To return to the latest post at any time, click on the script
"Flat Eric's Bass & Guitar Collection" and it will take you to the top page.

I keep finding older images that I have stored on various drives and this
morning, I came across some of a T-60 that I had up to a couple of years
ago and now earns it's living in a Southern Rock Band.

Peavey T-60 Tanburst "Toaster"

I am now working on the Jaydee Twin Neck feature but that
will take a little longer than I thought so the next couple of
posts will be a "Been & Gone" feature.

See you next week.

Cheers. :)

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