Joe Bonamassa, like his style. . . . . .

Joe Bonamassa, like his style. . . . . .

Sunday morning - clocks went forward today.

I have been quite busy, so my entries haven't been as frequent
but things are getting back to normal and I'll get back to the collection
next week.
Next time featuring a unique Jaydee Twin Neck - over 30 years old and
still very much a head turner.

So, this morning will be just a short post - out for Sunday lunch. Mmmm!

Came across this the other day. . . . . . . . . .

I am a big fan of Joe Bonamassa - but Joe, you have way too many
amplifiers. . . . . . the guitar collection is about right!!! :) :) :)

I don't quite have that many but I wouldn't have to add a lot to
get up to that number!! I still have a long way to go, it's just finding
the time - looking back over the last 11 months I have now got my
teeth into the blog, with the Peter Cook feature taking many posts
to complete.
This will take you back to April, last year

If you come into this blog and want to see the latest post, just click on
the script, right at the top of the page "Flat Eric's Bass & Guitar Collection"
and it will take you to the page.

See you next week.

Cheers. :)

- Flat Eric's Blog - 200 Posts - A Milestone!!!
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- Trying To Catch Up. . . . . .
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- Joe Bonamassa, Wow! Just Wow!
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- Back To The Begining. . . . . . .
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