Technology, Monitors and YouTube. . . . .

Technology, Monitors and YouTube. . . . .

Sunday morning, bit of a late one last night, so sitting here with
a steaming coffee whilst typing.

Technology! Is it just me? :)
As I get more familiar with the features of this blog, I think I have
just about cracked it but the other day I selected to follow another
blog and ended up following myself!!
I sorted it in the end but still end up following my own blog!
What's that all about??

I took the Urge and a Gordy Headless, last night but learned a
valuable lesson - don't gig without monitors. . . . ever!!
A confusing sound, small venue and bad weather - get the picture??

Finally. . . . . up to now, I haven't really "done" YouTube.
I used it as a tool a few days ago, to learn Ozzy's Crazy Train and
now I'm hooked!
I gigged my Ibanez RB650, a couple of weeks ago, so this morning
I had a look for that and then moved on to T-40 and T-60.
Here's a few I found.

This one reminds me of why I didn't get into YouTube earlier - nice
looking modified T-40 but what you see is not relative to the sound!
As broadband speeds have got better, it is not too bad but this
last one is is a good example of the way it was.

Sorry for the lack of "Collection" content, as I said, it was a late night!!:)

Back with more stuff next week.

Cheers. :)

- Carl Thompson Guitar - Just Like Lou Reed Used To Play Rhodri writes: Hi Gavin You've featured my Andreas Shark and Dagrite guitars before. How about something from New York now? How about featuring a Carl Thompson - not his more well known basses, but a guitar with a little Lou...

- The Ox. . . .
John. Bass Guitarist, as he quite often used to point out - not a Bass Player. Understood! Nothing more to say - watch and enjoy! Cheers. :)...

- Why I Love Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix may be the most iconic of all guitar players - but IMO he is also one of the most approachable. From my first exposure to his music via the studio recordings - to the dozens of live recordings and interviews - I have always found him to...

- 1968 Teisco K2-l In Wash Dc Area For $225
The K2-L is one of the more desireable Teisco's and with minor tweaking can actually be played out and used as back-up or 2nd guitar for live work.  These "German Carved" bodies feel like a smaller version of a Mosrite and the pickups actually...

- Univox 1974 Les Paul Copy In St. Goerge Utah For $250
I saw this guitar for sale about 6 months ago in the same area so I guesss it never sold.  The seller says this is a "Mother" but the Univox Mother is a bolt-on neck guitar with trapezoid inlays and this one looks likea set neck with dots on the...

