Bass Restoration - Kent Armstrong. . . . .

Bass Restoration - Kent Armstrong. . . . .

After a bit of research and a few pointers from readers,
I decided to approach  Kent Armstrong, to confirm that 
the pick-ups in the Reeve, were his. 

This was his reply and the subsequent conversation: 

Yes they are mine that I made many years ago !!   
What do you need to know ???

Kent, Hi.

Just a few questions. :)

On that type of pick-up, could you put a date on them - sort 

of 19** to 19**.
What sort of output would they have - they seem nice and punchy!
What would the connections be? 

The tabs to solder to, on the underside

And finally - Until I took them out, I was convinced that they 

were wooden covers.
Is the grain part of the mould?

Look forward to your reply.

Cheers. :)

Well let us see they were made in the early eighties . 
They are ceramic magneted to give that crunch. 

They are made from a wooden master but are cast epoxy .
The connectors are from left to right either way 

1= finish coil one ,2= start coil one,3= start coil two 
and 4=finish coil two.

Hope this helps you ??

I am in the process of cleaning up all the brass parts, at the moment.

A thorough clean of the board and the frets - re-solder the broken 
joint and a few other jobs.

Details and pictures next time.

On a different note, an avid reader of this blog - Hi, you know who
you are!! - has asked if I would be doing another part of the collection
with Lars Mullen.

All I can say at this stage is. . . . . let's see what happens next spring!

Cheers. :)




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