More Reeve and - Nick Smith. . . . .

More Reeve and - Nick Smith. . . . .

I have finally managed to get back onto the Reeve!

Just so busy, these days!! :)

Before that. . . .  how about this!

This is Nick Smith's Collection!

I've know about Nick for around 6 or 7 years, corresponded
with him quite a few times - helped me out with details of
the controls on my Axis (he had one) but to date, never met
this collector, extraordinaire!!
Our mutual connection here, is Lars Mullen.
He is always on the lookout for another collector, so I put
forward Nick's name.
This is a link the the whole feature:
Nick Smith's Collection 


Right, so this is how all the brass ware looked:

This is what they look like now:

There is a little more work on these required - re-assembly
etc and then they will be put to one side, ready for re-fitting
when the other work is done.

Hope to be back soon.

Cheers. :)  

- Bass Restoration - Kent Armstrong. . . . .
After a bit of research and a few pointers from readers, I decided to approach  Kent Armstrong, to confirm that  the pick-ups in the Reeve, were his.  This was his reply and the subsequent conversation:  Yes they are mine...

- Nick Mason Said Hi!. . . . . . . .
The last few weeks have been tied up with one thing and another, including a trip to The Goodwood Revival! Anyone who likes old cars and 40' 50's and 60's fashion, should go. . . . at least once. Brilliant! Goodwood Revival Click on...

- We Interupt This Program. . . . .
Well, I know I said I would do the Ray Cooper but. . . . . . . . this has now come on line, :) It looked good in the Magazine but looks even better. . . . . . on the screen!  For a great read on the Lars Mullen feature and larger images, go...

- Two Heads Are Better Than One. . . . . .
Hi to all of you who drop in. Posts have been a little thin on the ground again! So, here's something to keep you going. These are the heads of the next two instruments I will feature. These were on the article that Lars Mullen did in Guitar...

- Flat Eric And Lars Mullen. . . . . . . .
Sometime last year, I was contacted by Lars Mullen, who amongst quite a few other things in the music world, is a journalist and a  really great photographer, with a passion for his subject. He does the monthly feature in Guitar & Bass magazine....

