Two heads are better than one. . . . . .

Two heads are better than one. . . . . .

Hi to all of you who drop in.

Posts have been a little thin on the ground again!

So, here's something to keep you going.

These are the heads of the next two instruments I will feature.
These were on the article that Lars Mullen did in Guitar and Bass
Magazine but I will be loooking at them in much more detail.

The feature with Lars took up a lot of time organizing but was
well worth it. Loved it and judging by some of the comments I 
have read, so did a lot of other people.

Since then, I have been so busy and have not found any time to
continue with the collection.

So, sit tight and we'll get the ball rolling again.

Next time - Ray Cooper Custom, followed by Peter Cook Axis
Guitar - one of only 8 in the world.

Cheers. :)

- Flat Eric 2015!
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- We Interupt This Program. . . . .
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