Nick Mason said Hi!. . . . . . . .

Nick Mason said Hi!. . . . . . . .

The last few weeks have been tied up with one thing and
another, including a trip to The Goodwood Revival!
Anyone who likes old cars and 40' 50's and 60's fashion,
should go. . . . at least once.

Goodwood Revival

Click on the link and you can see what it is all about.

The highlight of the day?

The whole thing, really - there is just SO much to see and do!

On top of all that. . . . . I wandered into one of the side areas,
the Glamcab part, if anyone who went knows where I mean
and walking around, enjoying the event, was Nick Mason!

He usually enters cars into the event and like many other 
celeberity petrol heads, feels at home to enjoy the show.
I looked up and saw him, smiled and said Hi. . . . . . .
He smiled back and said Hi to me!

To me it was, but I'm certain he does it all day. :)

A grand day out!!

Next time, another one of Peter Cook's guitars.

Cheers. :)

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