Peter Cook, Guitar Builder - Eric and Peter meet . . .

Peter Cook, Guitar Builder - Eric and Peter meet . . .

Tuesday was an exciting day, one that I had been looking forward
to for some time.

Being an enthusiast for hand made guitars and "one off"
I have always had an admiration for the makers and it would be hard
to mention custom guitars and basses, without the name of Peter Cook
being included.

Being fortunate enough to own two of Peter's instruments and knowing
of several other owners, I have spent some time trying to arrange a
meeting with him, which after some time, he kindly agreed to.

I spent a fascinating two and a half hours with Peter, discussing his earlier
days as a guitarist and the later periods including Ned Callan, work with
The Who and several other famous players, the custom building and the shop.

I shan't go any further at this stage, as I said I would detail what we
discussed and let him go through it, to make sure what I write is accurate.

I thoroughly enjoyed his company, he is a very interesting and engaging
person to talk to.

Sit tight and as soon as I am able to, I will post up what we discussed.

For me, a great day - one I will not forget!

Cheers. :)

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