Another Ibanez. . . . . .

Another Ibanez. . . . . .

Just a short post today - Eric and friends!

I bought yet another Classic Ibanez, quite recently.

Nothing entirely unusual about that - to form a 
collection of anything - cameras, china, model cars,
whatever the interest of the collector is, you have to
add to it.

Two, three or four of something, doesn't really make
up a collection, so by default, acquisition is part of
being a collector.

The reason for this post. . . . . .
I often reflect on the people I meet doing this sort of
thing and I have, over the years, made some genuine
friends, along the way.

The owner of the Ibanez, who will remain anonymous, 
other than he has a love of aircraft and model railways,
can only be described as a perfect gentleman and a very 
interesting person.

His custody of the instrument, has lasted for almost
25 years - mine has just begun and so the story continues.

I am aiming to try a get at least two or three posts up every
month, during 2015 - plenty more to go, it's just finding the
time to do a post justice.

Back soon.

Cheers. :)

If you have landed on this page and you want to go to the 
latest post, go here:
Latest post. 

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