more sketches

more sketches

In the last year I unfortunately couldn't build much, neither guitars, pedals or noise boxes - I relocated in Austria where I couldn't get a new atelier and had to adjust to a new country, then I've been quite sick, so all my projects kept virtual... Things are happening still, and a luthier in Sweden is interested in my design work and proposed to conceive a prototype together and have it built - these sketches are the last versions of this guitar project - that should be both ergonomic and cool. More about this later. 

Music of the week: regularly I have to listen to Cocteau Twins's 1982 debut album Garlands - it's a kind of perfection, minimal and grandiose, hypnotic and emotional, with the killing bass lines of Will Heggie and walls of noisy guitars - I love also the later Cocteau Twins but this album is their  masterpiece.

And if you're a Facebook user, don't forget to follow gUitarREN's page - it doesn't bring me anything but it's boosting my ego and allows more dialogs.

- More Sketches
Couldn't draw so much lately, but we've been busy with the Epsilon, and there's been many e-mails exchanged about it between me, Goran - who started the whole project - in Sweden, Andreas from Deutsches Tonholz in Germany, who will build...

- Epsilon Project
In the last months I've been busy with the Epsilon project. I was contacted by a guitar maker in Sweden who proposed me to conceive an ergonomic guitar and have a prototype built - and if things work create a company to have it released… We took...

- Cd Review: Dirty Primitives
If you follow this blog you already heard of Dirty Primitives - the band's guitarist is a old friend and collaborator of mines, and I built the planckaster for him. I received their first CD a few days ago and I've been happily...

- More Sketches
Music of the week: I've just spent a few days in Berlin, and I couldn't help but listen to Lou Reed's Berlin album - and I've been roaming Berlin's autumnal streets humming Sad Song...  I took the opportunity...

- More Sketches
I've decided to cheer up my guitar sketches posts with a few lines about music - more exactly about the music I listen to while drawing. Most of the time I listen to many kinds of music on the radio or social networks, so I will focus...

