CD review: Dirty Primitives

CD review: Dirty Primitives

If you follow this blog you already heard of Dirty Primitives - the band's guitarist is a old friend and collaborator of mines, and I built the planckaster for him. I received their first CD a few days ago and I've been happily listening to it several times, and enjoy its many qualities.

It is great to listen to fuzzy guitar-based music that is not just an accumulation of clichés or a laborious effort to sound like the great ancients of some rock golden age. Don't get me wrong, Dirty Primitives' music is rooted in blues - the harsh kind -, but they take it, together with the listeners, somewhere else. The references that come to mind are Captain Beefheart, the Gun Club, John Spencer or the Drones, but Dirty Primitives sound more southern and more cosmopolitan, if you see what I mean...

That's actually what I like in this album, that it constantly mixes contradictory things - dirty blues sounds and avant-garde textures, raging riffs and dissonant solos, ballads and noisy walls of sounds, hypnotic beats and elaborated arrangements, banjo and mellotron (there are not only guitars)... It's both simple and elaborate, unpretentious and ambitious, raw and elegant - like all music should be! The two guitars are truly complementary (I pay attention to this since I read Keith Richards' book and his description of dual guitars composition), and the voice is more elaborated than you'd expect for this kind of music, sometimes playing with complex harmonies and effects - I like this better that the emotional roughness you're supposed to display in 'authentic' rock or blues...

I hope that this band will find the audience it deserves, what they do is rare and valuable.

- Clean / Dance / Raw / Swamp By Dirty Primitives
Dirty Primitives don't play by the rules - that's true for their music, that's also the case when they share it. So they just released 4 free EPs on their Bandcamp - how cool is that?  This project not only gives us our share...

- Dirty Primitives Go No Pop
Dirty Primitives just released a new single that is quite surprising in many ways - though not betraying the sound we've discovered on their first album. Obviously they don't play by the rules - that's probably why their music is good...

- A Glimpse Of The Planckaster
My friends from Dirty Primitives are back in studio, at the end of this short clip you will  see a few seconds of David B's planckaster... ...

- A Video By Dirty Primitives Featuring The Plankaster!
This is the first video clip of French band Dirty Primitives, in which you can see the plankaster I built for David B. in action. Quite a catchy song, isn't it? Album is due in a few weeks! ...

- Plankaster Demo
Yes I know, I posted this video of David B. demoing his plankaster on Guitarz a couple of days ago, but it's worth being watched again, isn't it? I had very little time to test the guitar before sending it away and I did it on my Roland Microcube...

