Plankaster demo

Plankaster demo

Yes I know, I posted this video of David B. demoing his plankaster on Guitarz a couple of days ago, but it's worth being watched again, isn't it? I had very little time to test the guitar before sending it away and I did it on my Roland Microcube on the distortion channel - not the best way to hear its soul. Here I find that the alu cover on a chamber generates a quasi resonator sound, that makes this guitar a real blues machine, exactly what David needs for his Beefheart-esque band the Dirty Primitives!

- 1930s Kay Wood Amplifying Guitar - Weird Acoustic With Wooden Resonator Here is a early guitar from Chicago's Kay Musical Instrument Company; the seller claims it is from 1929 but this is unlikely seeing as the company wasn't formally established until 1931. This Kay Wood Amplifying guitar (that's...

- Dirty Primitives New Ep
I just received Dirty Primitives' new EP and I'm not disappointed at all - their energy and creativity keep up to the standards they set in their first album (reviewed here), and they even go a step further -  their music sounds...

- Dirty Primitives Go No Pop
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- Cd Review: Dirty Primitives
If you follow this blog you already heard of Dirty Primitives - the band's guitarist is a old friend and collaborator of mines, and I built the planckaster for him. I received their first CD a few days ago and I've been happily...

- A Glimpse Of The Planckaster
My friends from Dirty Primitives are back in studio, at the end of this short clip you will  see a few seconds of David B's planckaster... ...

