more sketches

more sketches

Couldn't draw so much lately, but we've been busy with the Epsilon, and there's been many e-mails exchanged about it between me, Goran - who started the whole project - in Sweden, Andreas from Deutsches Tonholz in Germany, who will build the body, and Jaime from The Creamery in the UK, who will make the pickups… in a few weeks our baby will be born!

Tonight I play in literature café Carioca in Vienna, together with Ines Birkhan reading excerpts of her novel Chrysalis. It's about being enslaved by giant butterflies and I keep exploring noisy drone music with just a theremin and plenty of effect pedals… 

Music of the week: I just ordered the new CD of Kim Gordon's new band Body/Head, I'll tell more about it next time. Otherwise, I really love the single of Dirty Primitives I talked about yesterday, I listen to it all the time!

- Concert/reading In Vienna
My current music projects include a new collaboration with writer Ines Birkhan for a series of concerts/readings - and we premiere a new one, called Dosenpfirsich (Canned Peach - it's in German but we plan to make an english version at some point),...

- Epsilon Template
Here we go! Andreas from Deutsches Tonholz started to work on the Epsilon - this is the template… The guitar itself will have a maple neck through ash body and a plumtree fretboard. Just received this picture and it makes my day! ...

- More Sketches
music of the month: it's been long since my last post so I heard a lot of music, and it's not easy to chose. What actually stood up are bits of Astor Piazzolla songs I heard here and there - at the music school where I take my kid every week,...

- More Sketches
In the last year I unfortunately couldn't build much, neither guitars, pedals or noise boxes - I relocated in Austria where I couldn't get a new atelier and had to adjust to a new country, then I've been quite sick, so all my projects kept...

- No Guitars But Plenty Of Pedals
Didn't post here for a while, but for honorable reasons, being busy with a project in real life. No guitars this time but plenty of pedals, as you can see on these pics, connecting a theremin to a quadrophonic sound system for an heavily effected...

