Epsilon template

Epsilon template

Here we go! Andreas from Deutsches Tonholz started to work on the Epsilon - this is the template… The guitar itself will have a maple neck through ash body and a plumtree fretboard. Just received this picture and it makes my day!

- Technical Problems...
guitarz.blogspot.com:   Whoops... It seems that in updating the blog template last night I managed to lose the Echo/JS-Kit comments. I do have them saved in an XML file but so far I have been unsuccessful in loading them into Blogger's own comments...

- Ladies And Gentlemen, The Epsilon!
I didn't post about it for a while but my first real guitar project the Epsilon is finished and it's a great player as much as a real beauty. The idea was to make a guitar both ergonomic and looking wild - one I would want to play on stage -,...

- More Sketches
Music of the week: I don't know if it's just me or if this happens to other people too, but sometimes I figure out that I missed some essential bands even at the time when I was the most obsessed with music - including bands that would have...

- Miscellaneous
Next Wednesday I will play with my new band, the Soft Power Ensemble of Vienna, in Fluc, Vienna, the same venue where we performed with Yuri Landman. The band comprises 9 guitarists, plus drums and bass, and is not far from reaching sonic heavens. Didn't...

- Check Out The New Header!
I have a sweet new header courtesy of cousin Stephen. I guess he couldn't stand to look at my plain-jane template for one minute longer. Thanks Stephen!...

