Technical problems...

Technical problems...  

Whoops... It seems that in updating the blog template last night I managed to lose the Echo/JS-Kit comments. I do have them saved in an XML file but so far I have been unsuccessful in loading them into Blogger's own comments system.

The thing is, even if I hadn't updated the template, we cannot go on using the  Echo/JS-Kit comments as they are being discontinued soon.  I know it's annoying - we had some really good discussions going on in the comments under many of the blog posts, and as I say, I do have the XML file containing all the comments so perhaps we'll be able to work out a way of somehow re-integrating them into the blog (any technical wizards - please get in touch!).

Another technical hitch I am having is with PhotoBucket which is currently not working. I use a PhotoBucket Pro Account to host photographs rather than Blogger's own photo hosting because of the sheer number of posts - the space allocated by Blogger would simply not be enough.

So, please accept my apologies and be patient - I'll try posting a "proper" guitar post later on tonight.

In the meantime, please get using the new Blogger commenting system - we may as well get started on it!

G L Wilson

© 2012, Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 10th year!

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