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more sketches

I've decided to cheer up my guitar sketches posts with a few lines about music - more exactly about the music I listen to while drawing. Most of the time I listen to many kinds of music on the radio or social networks, so I will focus on albums that made it through, or musics that are new to me.

So on my album list are newly acquired Lou Reed's Berlin and The DronesWait Long by the River and the Bodies of Your Enemies Will Float By (about which I will write on my upcoming CDs non-review post). Also Gong's Shamal, an album I faithfully listen to since its release in 1975 (I didn't buy it then - I was too young -, but it was at home I don't know why, and I've been a Gong fan ever since, even in my gloomiest batcave teenage time), and that I used to motivate myself to get out of bed and proceed with daily life though it happened on unusually early hours.

My favorite band of the week is Black Angels that I just discovered thanks to Fuzz Box Girl's mix-tape, and of which I looked at all the live videos I could find on YouTube - I'm jealous of these guys, truly! And I thought I discovered something great when I heard this song of the Killers with Lou Reed, Tranquilize, then I heard other songs and without Lou Reed's presence, it's quite shallow, in spite of their singer's talent...

- More Sketches And Cd Reviews
It's been for ever since I last posted a CD review here! Like I said before, call me old school but I insist on buying my music on CDs - I've seen enough music formats, supports and online hosts disappear over the last decades, and killed enough...

- More Sketches
Musik of the week: I've been listening to several Radiohead concerts from the 1990s and 2000s on YouTube... Back in the 90s I wasn't listening so much to pop/rock, I was mostly into noise and experimental music, Japanese easy listening, cosmo-pop...

- More Sketches
Music of the week: I just discovered the Swedish band Cult of Luna through a series of YouTube videos extracted from their live DVD (I ordered it right away to enjoy better sound). It's like I found something I was looking for for a while, that...

- More Sketches
Music of the week: I've just spent a few days in Berlin, and I couldn't help but listen to Lou Reed's Berlin album - and I've been roaming Berlin's autumnal streets humming Sad Song...  I took the opportunity...

- Cds Non Reviews: The Cds I Bought In The Last Months...
Last year I started to review some CDs, and I planed to go on, very subjectively and only about the stuff I'm interested in, but I failed at that - started some then postponed and now there are too many to do it seriously but without turning it into...

