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Music of the week: I just discovered the Swedish band Cult of Luna through a series of YouTube videos extracted from their live DVD (I ordered it right away to enjoy better sound). It's like I found something I was looking for for a while, that is partly in Archive, partly in Black Angels, partly in Metallica + Lou Reed, but that Cult of Luna makes perfectly: long, deep, violent, hypnotic, intense, progressive guitar-based songs... 
I need top see this band on stage, but though they are currently touring eastern Europe, they seem to  be avoiding Vienna! And I need to start a new band soon...

- Soft Power Ensemble Of Vienna Live
A new video of my many guitars parametric improvisation band Soft Power Ensemble of Vienna - this time  performing in das Werk in Vienna last week. There is a great alchemy between the members of this band - something that is not easy to achieve...

- Yuri Landman Ensemble And M185 At The Siluh Records Label Night At Waves Vienna
I've had a pretty good time last Friday, as I joined the Yuri Landman Ensemble for a concert at the Waves Vienna festival. The Yuri Landman Ensemble is an ever changing band project created, directed by, playing compositions...

- More Sketches
I've decided to cheer up my guitar sketches posts with a few lines about music - more exactly about the music I listen to while drawing. Most of the time I listen to many kinds of music on the radio or social networks, so I will focus...

- Cds Non Reviews: The Cds I Bought In The Last Months #2
As I’m currently travelling on some remote island, with no scanner and limited access to the Internet, it’s the perfect time for a new batch of vaguely reviewed CDs. Like last time, there are too many of them for real reviews, and again I insist...

- Concert Review: The Horrors In Lido, Berlin
On sunday I saw the Horrors, and I'm sorry to say that it was quite a disappointment. I'm probably partly responsible for this, because I expected something like their debut album Strange House, the thrilling tongue-in-cheek faux-garage-goth...

