Merry Christmas, everyone!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

  Hello readers, pickers and tone obsessives.  Another Christmas day has come and gone, and now that my four-year-old is busy with new toys and the turkey dinner is finished and put away, I have a few minutes to sit down and write for a moment.
  First of all, Merry Christmas to you all.  I wish you the best of the season and an excellent New Year of fresh opportunities and perspectives.  
  Second, an apology: I have not had much luck keeping this space fresh this year - there's been a marked reduction in content in the last six months in particular.  I had big plans for this blog this time last year - I wanted to publish my first full feature-length interview with a 'legit' artist, contact more manufacturers for gear reviews, up the quality of my video submissions, etc, etc...
  I failed to do any of this.
  I've been too busy playing music to write about it.  How busy?
  I did 183 gigs in 2013, most of which happened since August.
  Plus a bunch of studio dates and a passel of rehearsals.
  So, at this time of year I'd like to thank everyone who came out and listened, the bandleaders who keep calling on me, the clubs, bars and restaurants who hosted me/us and all the dear friends who keep the journey interesting and engaging.  Without you lot, I'd be stuck here in front of the computer writing this blog, and that's not nearly so much fun.
  Merry Christmas!
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