30,000 visits to my Bass and Guitar Blog!!. .

30,000 visits to my Bass and Guitar Blog!!. .

Just 17 weeks since I had hit the 20,000 hits landmark, another
10,000 visitors have dropped in.
10,000! That's 588 visitors a week!

To all of you who have dropped in, Hi. :)

To celebrate the occasion, I thought I would do a few more "Guess
what it is", as that created a bit of fun a couple of posts ago.

I you want to have a go, I'll be putting the answers up as soon as
someone gets all of them correctly, or after four weeks if no one
gets them all.
Answers to:
[email protected]

Here's one to get you going. This one is to be listed as "Easy"
The rest of them are a little harder but they have all been featured
in the blog, so you may have to do a bit of research! :)

Look forward to reading your answers.

Cheers. :)

- One Hundred Thousand Visitors - Thanks For Dropping In. :)
Today is Saturday February 23rd and today my Blogspot visitor counter shows the all time number of visitors to my Blog as 100058 visitors! So, Hi to all those who have dropped in and out over the last few years and welcome to any new vistors :) The counter...

- Another Milestone. . . . . .
Seventy Thousand Visitors! Well, 70018 actually. :) Hi to all of you. :) Quite a lot done already and loads more to come!! Now I have hit another milestone, I think I will do a couple of the guitars, just to even things up a bit. Scanning...

- Hi To A 1000 Visitors A Week. . . . . .
Hi to all out there. :) Ten thousand visitors in ten weeks - 1000 a week!!! I never thought when I started this, that it would be seen by so many people, from all over the world. So, thank you for dropping in, hope to see you again soon. I have had...

- Status Shark & Sb 70. . . . . .
Hi to all you visitors. I have just dropped in for a late afternoon post, as curiosity has got the better of me. I have recently had searches arriving for SB 70 and also for Status Shark - about 8 of these in the last couple of days. I wonder what is...

- Back To The Begining. . . . . . .
Sunday morning, steaming coffee and just checking e.mails and related stuff. I have read though some of my older posts this morning - nice to revisit them - remind me of the guitars I have listed already and noticed a couple of spelling mistakes and "grama-tickle"...

