Status Shark & SB 70. . . . . .

Status Shark & SB 70. . . . . .

Hi to all you visitors.

I have just dropped in for a late afternoon post, as curiosity
has got the better of me.
I have recently had searches arriving for SB 70 and also
for Status Shark - about 8 of these in the last couple of days.
I wonder what is creating the interest - visits from Norway,
Greece, England, USA and France.

Gone a bit quiet on the e.mail front, so if any of you fancy
dropping me a line, ping me a message and I'll get back to you.

[email protected]

Back at the end of the week with another Ibanez.

Cheers. :)

- 30,000 Visits To My Bass And Guitar Blog!!. .
Just 17 weeks since I had hit the 20,000 hits landmark, another 10,000 visitors have dropped in. 10,000! That's 588 visitors a week! To all of you who have dropped in, Hi. :) To celebrate the occasion, I thought I would do a few more "Guess what it...

- Links To The Past. . . . .
Hi to all of you out there. I have had several e.mails, asking if I can put some links to the older posts, sort of a directory. I have attempted this in the past but not managed to sort it, without having a massive URL sprawling across the page. :( Anyway,...

- Status Shark. . . . .
A mass produced bass that was - "Made in England" As mentioned in previous posts, I have been looking for this image for some time and have found some others in the process! This is my other Status, The Shark. This is so easy to play, mainly down to...

- Hondo Professional. . . . . .
Hondo Professional Precision Bass. I bought this purely on looks and out of curiosity and was very surprised with the result. Looking at it here, you could almost think it was a 70's Fender but cast your eyes to the other end . . . . . . . . Not...

- Status Groove. . . . . .
I have mentioned Status but then not got round to it, so here is one of them - the other is a Shark but at the mo', I can't find the pics, so I'll have to do that another time. Status are perhaps famous for the headless basses, an association...

