Links to the past. . . . .

Links to the past. . . . .

Hi to all of you out there.

I have had several e.mails, asking if I can put some links to
the older posts, sort of a directory.

I have attempted this in the past but not managed to sort
it, without having a massive URL sprawling across the page. :(

Anyway, I think this will do the trick and if it seems to work
OK, I can then put a directory at the bottom of each post,
so that if you are looking for Status Shark - Reeve Twin -
Greco Ric - Ovation Viper, etc, you can click onto the link.
Simples. :)

Peter Cook, Guitar Builder and Musician

Back to the begining

The Story Continues

Keyboards Killed The Guitar Stars

More T-40.

T-40, IbanezTwin, Ovation, Peter Cook Axis

So, click away and if I don't hear from anyone, I'll assume that
it works on all browsers.

Any problems, drop me a line.

[email protected]

More Fender coming soon.

Cheers. :)

- Flat Eric, Bass And Guitar - 199th Post And Five Years On. . . . .
Today is a bit of a celebration! This is my 199th post!  This has taken me some time to do but I hope it will be interesting.     If you ever wander off somewhere, within the blog, just click on the script at the top of...

- A Picture Tells A Thousand Words. . . .
Time for a bit of a cheat, today! Left my memory stick somewhere safe, with some more of the collection, so not to hand at the moment - no pics!! In the meantime, the link I put up a few posts ago, comes up with these results, which I thought would brighten...

- Just A Bit Of Fun. . . . .
As I strive to learn more about the workings of t'internet, I came up with a whacky idea of how to list all my posts so far, on one page. Still not worked that out yet but here's something I was playing around with, sort of does the job but not...

- Peavey Zodiac. . . . . .
Peavey Zodiac! Body, neck, two pick-ups, tuners and strings etc. . . . A neat package - just a nice bass. These are great basses to play. This one was my "Fireside Bass" for at least 6 months. "Fireside" because as well as having a great sound plugged...

- Peavey T-60 Tanburst. . . . . . . . .
Sunday morning - sun is out today! :) I have a new follower today, welcome on board - Torch. If you go back to the posts that started last April, when I really got going and work your way through the year, you will find listed - Peavey T-40 and T-60,...

