Just a bit of fun. . . . .

Just a bit of fun. . . . .

As I strive to learn more about the workings of
t'internet, I came up with a whacky idea of how to
list all my posts so far, on one page.

Still not worked that out yet but here's something I
was playing around with, sort of does the job but not
quite the "Index" type of thing I was looking for.

Flat Eric's Image Directory

Edit: When you scroll down to the bottom, click "show more
results" - there are a lot more images.
Hover over them - if it says FlatEric, you can click on them and
it will take you to the feature. :)

Bingo, just tested it and it works!!!!!!!!!!!

There are just over 400 images - at a quick count, there
are 44 images that are nothing to do with me but that still
leaves around 360 that are and the bonus is that when you
click on the image, it takes you to the feature - well almost
every time!

That was what I was trying to achieve, perhaps a deeper
understanding of HTML and links is what I need.
Hey Ho.

Bass News:

Recently I have been mainly playing: Status Shark, Fender
Jazz MIJ, Ovation Magnum, Tune and Ibanez Artist.

More of the collection next time.

Cheers. :)

- Flat Eric, Bass And Guitar - 199th Post And Five Years On. . . . .
Today is a bit of a celebration! This is my 199th post!  This has taken me some time to do but I hope it will be interesting.     If you ever wander off somewhere, within the blog, just click on the script at the top of...

- Ovation Magnum. . . . .
Ovation Magnum Bass! I have been meaning to do this one for ages - I have mentioned it for some time and one of my regular e.mailers has run out of patience and has "thrown down the gauntlet" and has said. . . . . "Show and tell now!!!!!" So, here it...

- Peavey T-60 Tanburst. . . . . . . . .
Sunday morning - sun is out today! :) I have a new follower today, welcome on board - Torch. If you go back to the posts that started last April, when I really got going and work your way through the year, you will find listed - Peavey T-40 and T-60,...

- Joe Bonamassa, Like His Style. . . . . .
Sunday morning - clocks went forward today. I have been quite busy, so my entries haven't been as frequent but things are getting back to normal and I'll get back to the collection next week. Next time featuring a unique Jaydee Twin Neck - over...

- Status Shark. . . . .
A mass produced bass that was - "Made in England" As mentioned in previous posts, I have been looking for this image for some time and have found some others in the process! This is my other Status, The Shark. This is so easy to play, mainly down to...

