Another Milestone. . . . . .

Another Milestone. . . . . .

Seventy Thousand Visitors!

Well, 70018 actually. :)
Hi to all of you. :)

Quite a lot done already and loads more to come!!

Now I have hit another milestone, I think I will do a couple of the
guitars, just to even things up a bit.

Scanning through some of the shots above, I can see that some of
them have found new homes, as during the last year, I have done
a bit of pruning to the collection.
It has not really reduced the numbers a great deal, as I have added
a few more to the "bass and guitar menagerie", which I will get 
around to listing during the months to come.

One thing that has occurred to me - not sure how to keep this blog
alive when I have finished the whole collection.
It will still take some time to do that and I have a couple of features
lined up, which would take up a few posts but when I come to the 
end, what then?

Mmm, I'll have to think about that one.

Anyway, always great to hear from you - from all over the world
Drop me a line, if you want to - either on the link below or in the
comments box.

[email protected]

Back with a guitar, next week.

Cheers. :) 

- Flat Eric And Lars Mullen. . . . . . . .
Sometime last year, I was contacted by Lars Mullen, who amongst quite a few other things in the music world, is a journalist and a  really great photographer, with a passion for his subject. He does the monthly feature in Guitar & Bass magazine....

- Fifty Thousand Visitors . . . . . . . . .
Hi to all of you out there. :) Another milestone! Today marks the fact that since I started this, Fifty Thousand visitors have dropped into my Bass & Guitar Blog! Mainly, Bass, I have to admit. :) I think most are looking for information on a make...

- Hello To All Out There In Guitar And Bass World.
Hi to all of you out there. No pics today, there is still a long, long way to go but I thought the today, I would invite you to drop me a line, if you have a collection - any size will do. It could be Guitar, or Bass, or both. . . . What do you have?...

- Ibanez Rs 800. . . . . .
I had a lend of one of these and enjoyed playing it, so when I found one. . . . Well, why not? I don't have it anymore, after a couple of years ownership and the fact that I have it's bigger brother, the 900, meant that after having some fun with...

- A Few Questions To Answer. . . . .
Hi to all out there. :) I had intended to carry on to the next stage about Peter, his work on John's other basses and the work he did for Pete Townshend but I have had quite a few questions asked of me and if I am able to, I would like to answer them...

