Hi to a 1000 visitors a week. . . . . .

Hi to a 1000 visitors a week. . . . . .

Hi to all out there. :)

Ten thousand visitors in ten weeks - 1000 a week!!!
I never thought when I started this, that it would be seen by so
many people, from all over the world.
So, thank you for dropping in, hope to see you again soon.

I have had quite a few e.mails recently, including content about
an Ovation Magnum restoration in Italy, news on a Ned Callen,
info required on a Peavey Foundation and T-40, Ibanez Blazer,
the Jaydee Twin Neck, Greco Rickenfaker and several more, so
if you drop in here, would be great to hear from you.
[email protected]

Back next time with lots more Guitar and Bass content.

Cheers. :)

- Flat Eric's Blog - 200 Posts - A Milestone!!!
Two Hundred Posts!!!!!!! Yep, two hundred posts and an average of 711.15  visits to the blog, every week - just over 3000 a month. So, Hi to all of you out there!!!! This is a directory of some of the more popular posts but if you have landed on...

- Ibanez Mc-924ds, Templates And Direct'ers. . . . .
Hi to all out there, including my Direct'ers. No, it is not a spelling mistake! There are several people from all over the world, who must have saved a direct link to the blog and not via Google or any other search engines - I do it myself. So, to...

- Electra, Yamaha, Aria, Seiwa, Ovation, Jaydee, Guild. . . . . . .
Friday again! Just a quick post today - no pics, sorry!! For anyone who is eagerly waiting for the feature on the Jaydee Twin Neck, sorry - I really must got round to collating the info. There are loads more to come, I just can't get round...

- A Few Questions To Answer. . . . .
Hi to all out there. :) I had intended to carry on to the next stage about Peter, his work on John's other basses and the work he did for Pete Townshend but I have had quite a few questions asked of me and if I am able to, I would like to answer them...

- Status Shark & Sb 70. . . . . .
Hi to all you visitors. I have just dropped in for a late afternoon post, as curiosity has got the better of me. I have recently had searches arriving for SB 70 and also for Status Shark - about 8 of these in the last couple of days. I wonder what is...

