Volcas plus

Volcas plus


I will perform for the first time with my Volcas in a couple of days for an all electronic set - together with Ines Birkhan reading excerpts of her novel Angel Meat. Verwerfungen.

- Dancing On Ashes (circle) In Pinacoteca
Tomorrow I will perform again a projected text + music show I created 5 years ago in Berlin - one of my few theremin based projects. It will also be the first Angel Meat performance in the last years... This heap of pedals allows me to create a...

- Geared Up For Tomorrow's Concert
Now that I do concerts again, I see how different it is since I started to get interested in gear. I spend almost as much time tweaking stuff as preparing music! Well I do improv, so I need to keep fresh, and it's a good way to stay focused, understand...

- Standuino Workshop And Diy Synths
I've had another interesting week-end, since last saturday I joined a workshop to build a Standuino Micro Granny - a DIY digital granular sampler. This time I had reading glasses and a magnifier so I managed to properly solder about 200 points,...

- Interlude
I didn't have time to post anything lately, so even if this picture is only remotely related to the object of this blog, it won't harm if I show it here until I have something else to post...  I don't only sketch guitars, I...

- Televangelist Superstar
The Televangelist still have some buzzing and detunig problems - it's OK since I use it mostly in open tuning for slide, but it deserves a pro setting - but it's really good looking and is more and more part of the visual identity of the Angel...

