Televangelist Superstar

Televangelist Superstar

The Televangelist still have some buzzing and detunig problems - it's OK since I use it mostly in open tuning for slide, but it deserves a pro setting - but it's really good looking and is more and more part of the visual identity of the Angel Meat performance project. This is the flyer of our next show...

- Dancing On Ashes (circle) In Pinacoteca
Tomorrow I will perform again a projected text + music show I created 5 years ago in Berlin - one of my few theremin based projects. It will also be the first Angel Meat performance in the last years... This heap of pedals allows me to create a...

- Re-refinishing The Televangelist
You may remember, last year I refinished my Televangelist with a glossy varnish that was right away abused in a performance (you can see how on this video). I thought first that I would  slightly sand this varnish by hand and put a mate one,...

- The Televangelist Gets Lipstick
     The new lipstick on my Televangelist sounds as good as it looks, and the upgraded guitar was baptized on stage tonight... Unfortunately I also changed the varnish to a glossy lack that looks quite awful and was damaged already during...

- The Televangelist 2
So I finally have time to update this blog about the Televangelist. I made a few changes - mostly reworking the pickguard and varnishing... I'm still not completely happy with the setting - one string keeps buzzing down the neck, I would like to...

- Finishing My First Guitar
So I finally assembled my modified tele kit and I'm quite happy with the result... It looks better in real than on the picture (but you can already have a better idea by clicking on the pic on the right to enlarge it). The strings are still a little...

