finishing my first guitar

finishing my first guitar

So I finally assembled my modified tele kit and I'm quite happy with the result... It looks better in real than on the picture (but you can already have a better idea by clicking on the pic on the right to enlarge it).

The strings are still a little bit buzzy but I won't set it right now since I'm not completely sure about the mate finish - I will probably add a layer of satin varnish. Also I will start to build another one from scratch and I'll probably have to dismantle this one to check how to make some stuff...

The handmade metal pickguard gives it a rough look that I do enjoy - I don't want to make a guitar that looks like a factory product... I love the Artic Kelo finish of Amsfisound guitars and that's what I had in mind when I first started to think about making guitars - I'll see how it feels when I start the woodwork.

The yet unofficial name for this guitar is The teleVangelist - since I intend to use it for my next stage project called Angel Meat. And I'll probably use it for my next concert in a couple of weeks...

- Re-refinishing The Televangelist
You may remember, last year I refinished my Televangelist with a glossy varnish that was right away abused in a performance (you can see how on this video). I thought first that I would  slightly sand this varnish by hand and put a mate one,...

- Doppelcaster Project | Stage 2
The Doppelcaster project was quickly decided and is already on its track: after designing it last month, I have now most of the material - the 2 Squiers Teles, and GFS pickups and gear freshly shipped from the US. Tomorrow I will start to dismantle them...

- Making My First Guitar
12 34 56 Finally I could start working on this guitar kit project - of course it would have been quicker if I would have just followed the assembly instructions, but the whole thing was of course about getting me started to build things myself - the kind...

- Ok, Serious Stuff Now
So I've been postponing the making of my guitar projects probably also because, well, I just have to start from zero... Drawing and designing I can do easily but about guitar technics, the further I've been so far is restringing - and not as...

- The Televangelist
My first handmade guitar, an upgraded telecaster kit from DIY Guitars called The Televangelist. I intend to modify it several times - will start with the pickups and the tuners. ...

