making my first guitar

making my first guitar


Finally I could start working on this guitar kit project - of course it would have been quicker if I would have just followed the assembly instructions, but the whole thing was of course about getting me started to build things myself - the kind of stuff I probably didn't do since my last pottery class back in 1978...

So I modified the bridge[1] to put a Bigsby clone[2], cut a new pickguard in aluminum[3], tried some different mix to get the right finish[4], redesigned and cut a headstock model[5, 6]... With this little things I already learned a lot and feel more confident - I think that tomorrow I can build most of the guitar...

- My Own Signature Guitar
I usually sketch many guitars, week after week, any kind of guitars, just for research purpose and without any restriction. Then I was thinking about the guitar I would really want for myself, and I came up with this model that gathers a few things...

- 7-string Headstock
Today, I've been working on the aluminium plated headstock of my 7-string project. Since I modified the Ibanez copy design of the headstock by making it narrower, I decided to reinforce and rigidify it with aluminium - like the front of the guitar....

- Starting My Second Guitar
After improving myself with the DIY telecaster, time to start the real stuff with my 7-string project. Decided to skip the OSB model, it's been six months that I want to make this guitar and I'm too impatient - and also I feel quite confident....

- Finishing My First Guitar
So I finally assembled my modified tele kit and I'm quite happy with the result... It looks better in real than on the picture (but you can already have a better idea by clicking on the pic on the right to enlarge it). The strings are still a little...

- Ok, Serious Stuff Now
So I've been postponing the making of my guitar projects probably also because, well, I just have to start from zero... Drawing and designing I can do easily but about guitar technics, the further I've been so far is restringing - and not as...

