

I didn't have time to post anything lately, so even if this picture is only remotely related to the object of this blog, it won't harm if I show it here until I have something else to post... 

I don't only sketch guitars, I also make drawings and illustrations for diverse papers and magazines, and I started a book for children with my partner writer Ines Birkhan

This lute and cute little animals drawing is just a try out - I need to figure out how to make drawings for children, and since I've been mostly drawing instruments lately, it felt good to  include one... 

- Flat Eric 2015!
Hi to all out there! :) Well, 2014 was a bit hectic - not a great deal of time to keep  up with the blog but hopefully, this year will be different! No time for sitting around!! Early last year, I was planning the feature with Lars Mullen...

- Concert/reading In Vienna
My current music projects include a new collaboration with writer Ines Birkhan for a series of concerts/readings - and we premiere a new one, called Dosenpfirsich (Canned Peach - it's in German but we plan to make an english version at some point),...

- Hand Painted Pedal Enclosure
So here is something I had in mind for a while now, as I was trying to combine my appetencies with my competencies in a concrete project, that is to try to earn a little bit of money with my hand work - to fund my next projects. I want...

- Strat Based Sketches
A couple of weeks ago Kenray proposed me to design guitars to be cut out of a strat body - I took the challenge and here they are. I printed strat blueprints in light grey to be sure it would be accurate and drew from them, but didn't stick to...

- Back To Cardboard
    My last research in guitar design led me to go back to some sketches I made a couple of months ago and rework them with a different perspective. I mostly like big bodies (probably because I'm big) and my first idea was to create thick...

