Time passes. . . .

Time passes. . . .

I had the Sumbro for about 3 years and as I had something
half decent, I found that I could do a swap with someone for
a week, which lead me down all sorts of paths.
I remember that the first Telecaster guitar I borrowed, was a
"Jedson" and it was completely different to what I had got
used to with the Sumbro.
After a week, this went back and I then went looking for
another swap.
I can't remember all the swaps. I do, however, remember
a "CSL" Gold Top Les Paul, which was stunning to look at
and seemed to me to have a lot more poke than mine.
There was also an old "Burns" that I had for a short while
but thought at the time it felt a bit dated and couldn't get
on with it.
By this time, I had done all sorts of things to various guitars
and had several given to me to improve or alter them.
I had now learned a lot more and memories of the first incident
with the file, started to fade a little.
I had also started building a guitar, using acquired parts and
a neck, mated to a body that I had made from ash.
Not long after that project, I was asked to make one for a friend
and there the story takes a dramatic turn.

- Peavey T-60 And Eighty Thousand Visitors. . .
Hi to all out there. As of today, over 80500 visits have been made to my blog. So, thanks for dropping in - the story continues. I first saw a Peavey "T" in late '78 or early '79, a T-60 - I can't remember exactly when but I do...

- The Axis Connection . . . . . .
As I mentioned on the last post, I have managed to track down the designer and maker of the Axis circuit, Tony Koorlander. I asked him how he met Peter and how the collaboration came about. Tony and Peter have made contact again, after many years and...

- Some Of My Amp Experience. . . .
I thought I would drift off course a little, as I have just bought a new extension cab for my bass rig. This adds to a whole lot of other gear I have and made me think of how it all started, a long time ago. Back in the day, there were a lot of Treble...

- Back To The Story. . .
I needed some components for the new guitar and headed off into town. I called in at a new shop, told them what I was after and placed the order. I then spent the next two hours drinking coffee and talking to one of the owners, until I realised I had...

- Almost A Collection! :) :)
I have spoken to many people over the years of collecting and more recently have been asked if I had a Web Site. One of the things I have wanted to do for many years, is to learn how to create a web site - to get my head around how to make one interactive...

