Almost a Collection! :) :)

Almost a Collection! :) :)

I have spoken to many people over the years of collecting and more recently have been asked if I had a Web Site.
One of the things I have wanted to do for many years, is to learn how to create a web site - to get my head around how to make one interactive and interesting and to unravel the mysteries of being a Web Designer - sort of a creative challenge.

I am playing around with some software but for the time being, I
shall continue the details on this blog.
Why "Almost a collection"?
Well, this was a comment made by a friend I had not seen for a while and after detailing the instruments I had at the time, he laughed and
said "Blimey, that's almost a collection". I thought his comment was
quite amusing and in stuck in the back of my mind.
When I started laying down some ideas, this conversation came to mind and I thought that it was quite appropriate - after all, what
quantity constitutes a collection?

So, here goes, hang on tight and I will lead you through the list, starting with how it all began.

Now, I have to say at this point, I still only had a very small amount of experience and what I set about doing makes me shudder, even now.
Again, this is all from memory but it is still pretty clear in my mind.

It was not long after the Hypercaster project was finished and I was after something else to do, something I could get my teeth into.
Sadly, from memory, it took ages and frustration was begining to set in!
Eventually, something did happen, in the way of a set up for another
He had a "Woolies Special" that he was struggling with and gave it to me after I had pestered him for weeks.The action was very high and it wasn't too difficult to work out that lowering the bridge would bring the strings closer to the fretboard.
Having done that, the strings buzzed on a few of the frets.
So, knowing nothing about truss rods or neck relief, I thought the easiest thing to do was to file down the offending frets, with the smallest file I could find in my dad's kit.
"Mmm, that's odd - that fret doesn't buzz anymore but the next one does!"
Perhaps I'll file that one. Now the next one and the next (you can see where 
this is going!) until after some time, most had been filed.
To my horror, it was worse than before - perhaps more filing was required.
Common sense, or panic, made me stop at this point.
I confided in an older friend that I was having a "bit of trouble" and he said, "oh, that's dead easy, you need to run a flat sharpening stone over them"
Aha, the dark art has been revealed.
This is what I did, very nervously and very carefully and to my relief, it worked.
Not knowing anything about finishing and polishing frets, they were left as they were.

I returned it to my friend, who was very pleased that it was a lot easier to play.
What a relief. So, Paul Harris, if you are still out there, that is the real story!
I learned a great deal from that experience and decided that for the time being, I would practice on what was mine!

Flat Eric.

- Fret Stone - Fender Stratocaster
Frets wear. Eventually they wear out and need replacing. If the wear is not too deep the frets can be ground down to the lowest point of the wear, re-crowned, polished and the guitar is ready for a few more years playing before re-fretting. This is called...

- Ibanez St-55 Studio Series. . . . . .
Another Guitar!! Yep!  I've only had this around four years - I was going through an Ibanez Guitar thing and saw this.  I took a bit of a chance on this, as the guy who was selling it said that it sounded great - he had upgraded the...

- Time For An Update. . . .
Time is flying by, almost half the year gone, so I thought I had better get back to this before another month goes by. The "Whole Collection" thing is still bubbling under but it is going in the right direction, some great stuff in there and some not...

- Time Passes. . . .
I had the Sumbro for about 3 years and as I had something half decent, I found that I could do a swap with someone for a week, which lead me down all sorts of paths. I remember that the first Telecaster guitar I borrowed, was a "Jedson" and it was...

- The Story Continues. . . .
The story continues from last year. . . . . What followed was a sucsession of "planks", mostly from second hand shops, that were my victims for the next few months, selling ones that I had done to fund getting another one. Myself and three other friends...

