Time for an update. . . .

Time for an update. . . .

Time is flying by, almost half the year gone, so I thought I had better
get back to this before another month goes by.

The "Whole Collection" thing is still bubbling under but it is going in the
right direction, some great stuff in there and some not so great but still
interesting, all the same.

I have been managing to play some instruments that I haven't played
for ages and am now making plans to start photographing them, ready
for listing.
So, sit tight and you never know, something might happen before
another month goes by.
So for the time being, I leave you with one of my favourites.
Gigged this a couple of weeks ago.
Just Great.

- Antoria 12 String. . . . . . .
Antoria twelve string acoustic guitar. As I am on a run, with some of the guitars - I thought now would be a good time to feature this one. This is the only acoustic guitar that I have and I have had this  old fella for a very long time...

- Ones That Have Gone. . . . . .
Well, it's been some time since I was last here and as this is my 150th  post about my collection. . . . . Something different!   This is going to be about some of the ones that have gone. I know I said I would do the Telecaster but the...

- Hello To All Out There In Guitar And Bass World.
Hi to all of you out there. No pics today, there is still a long, long way to go but I thought the today, I would invite you to drop me a line, if you have a collection - any size will do. It could be Guitar, or Bass, or both. . . . What do you have?...

- Speedster "travels" A Long Way. . . . . .
Well, bit bleary eyed today - lunchtime and I've been up for nearly 9 hrs, already! Yawn! I was going to come to this one a bit later on but things moved on a bit quicker than I thought and as I am typing this, the Speedster has probably already...

- The Story Continues. . . .
The story continues from last year. . . . . What followed was a sucsession of "planks", mostly from second hand shops, that were my victims for the next few months, selling ones that I had done to fund getting another one. Myself and three other friends...

