Back to the story. . .

Back to the story. . .

I needed some components for the new guitar and headed
off into town.
I called in at a new shop, told them what I was after and
placed the order.
I then spent the next two hours drinking coffee and talking
to one of the owners, until I realised I had to get back home
and left, thanking him for the coffee and the chat.
It was a couple of weeks before I went back and when I did
I was greeted very warmly.
During my previous conversation, I explained about my
fascination with guitars and some of the things that I had done.
It turned out that they had taken in a couple of minor repair
jobs, hoping I would be able to help.
I was given free use of the workshop, with the promise of a
Chinese meal for my efforts.
Somehow, by accepting the meal I had now joined the team!
Saturdays, for some time, were going to be different and in
only a couple of months, it would be week days as well.

These week days were long days - 12 hours a day, six days a week
and this is where I worked in the late 70's, and where a lot of my early
experience and knowledge of guitars came from.
Yes, we worked 72 hours a week, with the odd day off to do other stuff
but I was always very keen to get back to the shop.
I got to meet a lot of characters in those days and saw a lot of talented
youngsters strike up with Smoke on the water, Stairway to heaven and
half a dozen other tunes that used to ring around the shop.
If anyone out there has a dream job, they will understand how I felt
I walked through the door and into an Aladdin's Cave -
turn the lights on, answer machine checked and coffee made.
Turn on a couple of amps, grab a few pedals and reach out to the wall
for the desired instrument.

Now I'm going from memory and it was a very long time ago but on
any given day, the selection could be an Ibanez Jazz Guitar,
CSL Les Paul, Gibson L6S, Les Paul Junior, an Antigua Strat,
all sorts of stuff.
On the other side of the room, the basses.
A Guild B301, a Shergold/Hayman, bit of slapping on a
Fender Jazz and then it was time to get down to the business of
selling something.

Happy days!

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