Sumbro Les Paul. . . . . .

Sumbro Les Paul. . . . . .

This is the one!!!!!
Yes. . .  . THE ONE!!!!!

Again, this is for anyone who has followed this blog from the beginning and this 
guitar is the very same one that I described in my blog entry of April, 2010.
Sumbro Les Paul

This was my first "proper" guitar, that was mine. . . . . all mine.
Sumbro was sold through Charles Summerfield Ltd, who also had a brand  
called CSL.

If you have a read of the April entry, it will tell you all about getting the guitar.

During rehearsals, this little beauty would be playing stuff from the Stones,
Climax Blues Band, Ace, Bad Co. Lizzy. etc, etc.
I just loved the thing and a bit like the bit in The summer of 69. . . . I played
it almost - "til my fingers bled"
Happy days.

I think this shot would date from around 1976 ish???

I am so glad I have found these long lost pictures. :)

Next time, my very first guitar, ever and my old Simms Watts combo.

Cheers. :) 

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