Atilla Balogh Odyssey Bass - Two more found.

Atilla Balogh Odyssey Bass - Two more found.

Back in the 70's, in Vancouver, Canada, a man called Atilla Balogh,
along with his colleagues, started making Odyssey Basses and Guitars.

I am really glad he did!!
This is one of mine.

I think it's time to come clean and confess, that these basses are perhaps one
of my favourite instruments - certainly the most gigged - last Saturday, in fact!!
The other basses have their character, feel, sound and a handful come close
to the Odyssey's but nothing is quite like it - for me, anyway.
If you go back to the beginnings of this blog, you will see that this was one of 
the first of the collection that was featured.

I was starting to think that I had the only ones of this model, which I believe
was made in 1977 but can't be entirely sure.
I have now seen images of another one, the same as mine and one that would
have been like mine but has been modified.

Look at this little beauty!!

It looks like there has been one new switch fitted and coloured caps have
been added to the others but apart from that, like mine - it looks the same
as it did when it left Granville Island in the 1970's.
From what I understand, the current owner has had it over 17 years.
I am currently trying to get in touch with him and will report back, if I do.

Now to the other one.

At a guess, I would say the original finish was the same as mine.
The head face has been blacked out and the Double A Logo is not there.
The truss rod cover is also different and the tuners are not Grover.
The most obvious addition is what is described as Reynolds Active Electronics.
The bass is fretless, with teak inlays, in place of frets.
Certainly a bit different from the two basses I have and the other one I have 
now found.
The owner says it is from 1984 but I am not sure, I think the company may have
folded by them.

Anyway, my opinion of an Odyssey Bass - Made in Vancouver - I can now 
bring myself to declare that they are. . . . . . Stunning!

I would love to find some more of this model, so if there is anyone else out
there, with one of these incredible basses. . . . . Step Forward Now!

Cheers. :)

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