Seems like a good place to start!

Seems like a good place to start!

Today's the day!

Never done anything like this before and know little about how it works but today I have made a start.
I used to have a passion for Classic Cars but after more years than I care to remember, I think I am finally cured!!

My other passion over many years, has been Guitars!
This must be something that millions of us share around the world, either as players, as admirers of the instrument, or both!
I am both a player and an admirer and the in following days/weeks and months, I will come back to this blog with something new, until
there is no more to be said.

Flat Eric.

- Another Ibanez. . . . . .
Just a short post today - Eric and friends! I bought yet another Classic Ibanez, quite recently. Nothing entirely unusual about that - to form a  collection of anything - cameras, china, model cars, whatever the interest of the collector is, you...

- Flat Eric And Lars Mullen. . . . . . . .
Sometime last year, I was contacted by Lars Mullen, who amongst quite a few other things in the music world, is a journalist and a  really great photographer, with a passion for his subject. He does the monthly feature in Guitar & Bass magazine....

- Vicar's T-40. A Peavey In Punk!!. . . . . . . .
Another T-40?? Yep! This all started off with this: Hi all. I have a renewed interest in the T-40 thanks to posts and pics by Flat Eric. My name is Kirk Matthews and I was the founder member and bass player in the 1970's Punk Rock band...

- Joe Bonamassa, Like His Style. . . . . .
Sunday morning - clocks went forward today. I have been quite busy, so my entries haven't been as frequent but things are getting back to normal and I'll get back to the collection next week. Next time featuring a unique Jaydee Twin Neck - over...

- Back To The Begining. . . . . . .
Sunday morning, steaming coffee and just checking e.mails and related stuff. I have read though some of my older posts this morning - nice to revisit them - remind me of the guitars I have listed already and noticed a couple of spelling mistakes and "grama-tickle"...

