Reeve Brian May and more Reeve Guitars. . .

Reeve Brian May and more Reeve Guitars. . .

Another long delay - Sorry about that - loads on, at 
the moment! :)

The next part of the story, which Val sent to me a few
weeks ago, I put down onto a memory stick, which I have
left behind, somewhere!!
Think I know where it is, so no panic.

In the meantime, some more picks of Reeve.

The one below is my first Reeve - "Mr Lee"


Val has sent me some more from her archive, including
 this one, which Ges called Patchwork Guitar, as it was 
used as a demo for all the timbers he could offer.
Bit of a Brian May looking trem, there which brings me 
to the "mystery guitar", shown below the Patchwork.

This is a bit of a mystery to me and Val.
She can't remember if Ges built this Brian May Red Special
or if it was just in for repairs, as there are no shots of the
rest of it or the head.
I have tried to look for signature details on this - is it a Burns,
or a Guild? I don't think so - any comments, would be very
welcome, from those in the know.

This is another one that Val sent to me - a very 80's take on
a Strat - one pick-up in the "screaming position" and one
control, Volume!
Loud or off!! :)

I'll be back in a couple of days, honest. . . Promise!!!

Any Reeve Guitars out there?
I'm going to do a complete gallery of the ones that 
owners have sent me, at the end of this feature.

Back soon.

Cheers. :)

- Reeve Guitars - Continued. . . . .
The next instalment from Val Reeve. Off we go again! After the excitement of the eighties, things began to quieten down  and we settled into a routine of making instruments and also began to  do a lot of repairs.  ...

- Val Reeve Continues. . . . .
Val continues with the Reeve Story. "Hi Eric Hope you have had a good week.   Anyway, on with the story. During this period Ges just could not cope with working  full time and the amount of guitar work coming in so he ...

- The Reeve Guitar Story
More about Reeve - A Cottage industry in Bedfordshire!   Val Reeve with a Bass & Guitar Twin Neck. Val is helping me out with the story of Reeve, which relies  on her detailing the story and finding old photos to scan. So, after sever...

- Reeve - Other Owner.
I've just received this comment and thought it worthy of posting up. "Hi Flat Eric, Some info on Reeve guitars - bear with me it's a bit of a yarn!  First, I bought a Mex Tele (I'm a 6 stringer by the way) that needed a set up. ...

- Fender Japan Pb 57. . . . . .
I am in the process of getting some shots together, in order to carry on with the collection, as time constraints have meant that the blog has not had my full attention, so sorry to all those who drop in. Here is a blast from the past! :) Whilst...

