Fender Japan PB 57. . . . . .

Fender Japan PB 57. . . . . .

I am in the process of getting some shots together,
in order to carry on with the collection, as time
constraints have meant that the blog has not had
my full attention, so sorry to all those who drop in.

Here is a blast from the past! :)

Whilst I was going through some images on a memory
stick, I came across these two, which to date, have
not been seen on here.

I had three Fender Japan basses, at one time - this one,
another precision, with a rosewood neck and a lovely
None are with me now but these two pictures have 
finally surfaced and I thought they were worthy of
sticking up on here. 

Next time - another Reeve and some more Reeve content.

Cheers. :)

If you have landed on this page and you want to go to the 
latest post, go here:
Latest post. 

- Reeve - Brian May Red Special. . . .
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- Flat Eric 2015!
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- Electra Outlaw Mpc X620. . . . . . .
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- Ibanez St- 980 8 String And St-824 Studio Basses. . . .
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- Fender Jazz And Peavey Foundation, Fretless. . . .
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