Reeve - Brian May Red Special. . . .

Reeve - Brian May Red Special. . . .

More Reeve!

Bit of a delay - still got lots going on.

Val sent me another picture she had found, showing
that the Brian May Red Special I posted up, was inded
a Reeve, made for Adrian - who Val remebers very well
but has lost touch with him.

Feast your eyes on this Very Accurate replica!!!

 Another absolute Cracker from Reeve.
I would live to know where this is now!

Next time I am going to post up images of Reeve guitars, 
that have been sent to me by readers of this blog.

Any more Reeve owners??

Drop me a line:
[email protected] 

Back soon.

Cheers. :)

- Reeve Guitars - Continued. . . . .
The next instalment from Val Reeve. Off we go again! After the excitement of the eighties, things began to quieten down  and we settled into a routine of making instruments and also began to  do a lot of repairs.  ...

- Val Reeve Continues. . . . .
Val continues with the Reeve Story. "Hi Eric Hope you have had a good week.   Anyway, on with the story. During this period Ges just could not cope with working  full time and the amount of guitar work coming in so he ...

- Bass Guitar Collection!
Dear readers. I have had a bit of a telling off, which to be fair, is probably well deserved! One of my long time readers, sent me several screen shots a few months ago and said, that having done a search on various search engines, my collection...

- Reeve - Other Owner.
I've just received this comment and thought it worthy of posting up. "Hi Flat Eric, Some info on Reeve guitars - bear with me it's a bit of a yarn!  First, I bought a Mex Tele (I'm a 6 stringer by the way) that needed a set up. ...

- Fender Japan Pb 57. . . . . .
I am in the process of getting some shots together, in order to carry on with the collection, as time constraints have meant that the blog has not had my full attention, so sorry to all those who drop in. Here is a blast from the past! :) Whilst...

