Reeve - Other owner.

Reeve - Other owner.

I've just received this comment and thought it worthy of posting up.

"Hi Flat Eric, Some info on Reeve guitars - bear with me it's a bit of a yarn! 

First, I bought a Mex Tele (I'm a 6 stringer by the way) that needed a set up. 
My bassist at the time suggested I take to a mate of his, one Jez Reeve in Luton. This we did and Jez did a splendid job for really no money and whilst I was there I took a shine to one of Jez's creations, a Tele shaped beast with stunning looks and magic action that I nicked from him for £300 (his asking price) - the hardware alone is worth twice that! My abiding memory is how utterly charming, generous and talented Jez was and what a lovely wife he had. 

Sadly I heard about a year later that Jez had passed away and that makes my Reeve Tele so much more special. 
The world of music is a much poorer place for not having Jez around but I am privileged to have a fine example of his artistry. One other piece of info: in conversation Jez mentioned that in his early days he was associated in some way with the old Alligator guitar company.

I do have the name of the person but won't post it up.

Please, please get in touch - more and more Reeve are coming out of
the woodwork, all with similar tales of how pleasant the two of them were.

Contact me here  

Cheers. :)


- Reeve Guitars - Continued. . . . .
The next instalment from Val Reeve. Off we go again! After the excitement of the eighties, things began to quieten down  and we settled into a routine of making instruments and also began to  do a lot of repairs.  ...

- The Reeve Guitar Story
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- Reeve Guitars And Basses. . . . .
When I bought my first Reeve, I never thought I would  end up getting the whole story. After much research and putting out requets, my call was finally answered.  Many thanks to Andy Gilbert, who slotted in the missing piece of the jigsaw!!...

- Fender Japan Pb 57. . . . . .
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- Reeve Twin - Progtasic. . . . . . . . .
This is Mr Lee! Can't think why! :) Mr Lee is a fairly accurate "Tribute" (notice I choose my words very carefully) to one of America's guitar makers. It was made for the guy I bought it off, by a a small operation called Reeve Guitars. Some...

