Reeve Twin - Progtasic. . . . . . . . .

Reeve Twin - Progtasic. . . . . . . . .

This is Mr Lee!
Can't think why! :)

Mr Lee is a fairly accurate "Tribute" (notice I choose my words
very carefully) to one of America's guitar makers.

It was made for the guy I bought it off, by a a small operation
called Reeve Guitars.
Some time after I bought it, I contacted the original owner,
who very kindly sent me this:

"I'm afraid I can't help with much information.
Reeve were a small family concern based out of a house in Luton.
I was put in touch with them by my local music shop when I needed
my Rickenbacker set up.
A mate of mine at the time had a Les Paul copy made by them soon
after, and though it wasn't to my tastes the actual craftsmanship
was faultless.
I'd wanted a Rickenbacker double-neck for some time but there was
no way I could have afforded one even if I could have found one!
So I had Reeve make me one - they measured up my 4001 and I
gave them a few photos from old catalogues and away they went.
This would have been in about 1986 I think.
At the time it cost me £750, which included the
case, and I was very lucky to see the guitar evolve from a lump of
wood to the finished article over a period of months.

Reeve were always fairly small fry.
They made a lot of guitars for local musos (I remember a Hofner
violin bass for a well respected covers band, the Wellington Bootles)
although I do know they made another double neck and an explorer
copy for a prog band who were fairly big at the time, Twelfth Night.
Funnily enough I saw them a while ago (another band on the nostalgia
circuit!) and the explorer was still being used".

"I lost touch with Reeve many years ago.
They were two brothers-in-law - one a carpenter and the other
a musician.
I do know that the musician brother is sadly no longer with us.

I hope this all helps, sorry I can't provide much more info!"

The Twelfth Night are still going and I was very kindly sent this:

Mr Lee has not been out for some time - these are older pics
but I think the time is right to have a quick noodle!
The down side with twins is the weight, not only of the instrument
but add the weight of the case . . . . . OUCH!!
This is not the heaviest twin I have, by a long way!
I'll share that with you another time.

As you can see, I am now on a roll and am trying to keep this
interesting enough for you folks to keep coming back, so sit
tight and I'll come back to you at the end of the week.

Hi to all of you out there - Worldwide - nice to see you popping
in looking for updates - there is still a long way to go!

Cheers. :)

- Reeve - Brian May Red Special. . . .
More Reeve! Bit of a delay - still got lots going on. Val sent me another picture she had found, showing that the Brian May Red Special I posted up, was inded a Reeve, made for Adrian - who Val remebers very well but has lost touch with him. Feast your...

- Reeve Guitars - Continued. . . . .
The next instalment from Val Reeve. Off we go again! After the excitement of the eighties, things began to quieten down  and we settled into a routine of making instruments and also began to  do a lot of repairs.  ...

- Val Reeve Continues. . . . .
Val continues with the Reeve Story. "Hi Eric Hope you have had a good week.   Anyway, on with the story. During this period Ges just could not cope with working  full time and the amount of guitar work coming in so he ...

- The Reeve Guitar Story
More about Reeve - A Cottage industry in Bedfordshire!   Val Reeve with a Bass & Guitar Twin Neck. Val is helping me out with the story of Reeve, which relies  on her detailing the story and finding old photos to scan. So, after sever...

- Reeve Guitars And Basses. . . . .
When I bought my first Reeve, I never thought I would  end up getting the whole story. After much research and putting out requets, my call was finally answered.  Many thanks to Andy Gilbert, who slotted in the missing piece of the jigsaw!!...

