Ovation Magnum III. . . . . . . .

Ovation Magnum III. . . . . . . .

Hi. Spring has arrived - I think!

Sun is out today and the birds are singing.

On this side of the world, things are OK, at the moment but
on the other side - first New Zealand and now Japan.
In the world of today, we can see things as they happen.
What a shock to see all that water - picking up houses and
cars, like they were toys.
Not good.

Anyway, as promised - Ovation Magnum III

Charlie Kaman died recently, at the end of January, so I thought
it would be fitting to do another one of my Ovation instruments.
Charlie was the Founder of Ovation and a little bit about him
is listed on the Ovation web site.

I have already done the Breadwinner and Viper - this time it's
an Ovation Magnum III Bass.

This is essentially a Magnum 1, with a different body shape,
mono only and without the large pick-up surround, which is
so handy to rest your thumb on, in various positions, in order
to get different tones from the strings.
Just look at the size of that bridge!!
Because of the bridge, a lot of strings fall short, as they do
on mine, although it doesn't seemed to deaden the tone.
On my Magnum I, there is a string extender on the "E". Handy!

It plays very nicely and has some good sounds, when blending
the two pick-ups.
Most people think that with such a large pick-up in the neck
position, it must be very powerful with a deep thick sound.
No, not really. It is that large, as each string has it's own coil.
This explains all about the pick-ups

There aren't a lot of these around, in the UK and I have never
seen a PF, in this country - which is the even more rare,
single pick-up version.
These aren't mine but are included for reference.

Knowing how the pick-up sounds, I can see that in the central
position, it would make a lot of sense.
The Magnum III nice bass - balances well, some good sounds
and definitely something a bit different.
As I have mentioned, I also have a cracking Magnum 1, which
I have to confess, I have played more than the III - something very "
Old School" about it and that is a bit different!
I shall come to that one soon.

I think I am finally getting to grips with my NAS - Noah's Ark Syndrome
and have sold one half of some of my pairs, as well as some of the
onesthat I rarely play anymore.

The basses get an outing on rotation but some of the guitars only come
out every 6 or 7 months and even then only get to see the light for half
an hour, or so.

Talking of rotation. . . . . this pair went out again at the weekend.

The Odyssey went out last weekend with the Yamaha SB500 but
I forgot to get a shot of them.

So, some are going - It's not really a case of not liking them, more
I've played them, enjoyed them and now it's time to move on.
One thing is for sure, the Odysseys will be staying!

This means. . . . . . . I'll be keeping my eye out for something a bit
unusual??? :) :) :)

Next time I will do the story of Alan's Axis and a couple of other

If you would like to get in touch with me, questions you may have
or something that you think I would find interesting, I would love
to hear from you.

[email protected]Cheers. :)

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UPDATE August 22nd 2012  For Ovation Magnum String Lengths
Go Here:

Ovation Magnum String Lengths

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