Peavey T-40 "Red", Gordy, '72 Jazz, Greco fan, Spring clear-out and Peter Frampton. . .

Peavey T-40 "Red", Gordy, '72 Jazz, Greco fan, Spring clear-out and Peter Frampton. . .

Friday again!

What a week, or two!!
My Red T-40 "Old Red" found a new home and these are
some of the pics - just thought they were so nice, I would
share them.

I've had some great e.mails recently, including someone who has
found a Gordy "Fretless" - boy, that must be rare!!
Part of the content was about the electronics, so I took a couple
of shots for illustration.

A bit more complicated than a Fender Jazz!!!

While we are on the subject of Fender Jazz. . . . . . . .
A friend of mine has had one from new and over the years, the
neck pick-up has got worse.
It's a long story but basically, the decision was to go for a set
of Wizard "Sixty Fours".
In a word, Brilliant! Sounds superb
, he is very pleased with the result.

I also had an e.mail from a Beatles fan, in MD USA, who loved
the Greco PMB. Hi - Nice to hear from you. :)
Will try those strings!!

By nature, collectors. . . . . collect things and at some point there
has to a bit of a change/clear-out and Spring seems like a good
time to do it.
A few have found new homes and there are a few more that will
be moving on but in doing that, I am able to put my efforts into
finding some of the ones I have not had. . . . . . Yet!!

I have been quite busy with various things, so this is just a small
post for today - I was going to do my Magnum III but I picked
up the wrong memory stick!! Will do that one next week.

And finally. . . . . . .
I have been a life-long fan of Peter Frampton and this week I
managed to see him live, at a wonderful venue - The Assembly
in Leamington Spa - a truly magical night, loved it to bits!
He played exactly what the audience wanted, backed by
a terrific band, including Stanley Sheldon, who was on the
live album.
Peter's appearance may have changed over the years but he
still has that magic as a musician, player and entertainer.
An absolutely brilliant night.

Back next week, as I said - Magnum III.

Cheers. :)

- Ones That Have Gone. . . . . .
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- Jolana Basso. . . . . .
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- A Picture Tells A Thousand Words. . . .
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- Fender Jazz And Peavey Foundation, Fretless. . . .
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